In Marketplace, you can discover and share property and job listings within the real estate industry. Here you can find and post listings for sale, for lease, under Commercial Real Estate and even Off-Market Properties
When you scroll down, you’ll find there are plenty of listings to choose from.
Click “Place Ad” to post a listing
Select a category for your ad. Where does your listing fall under?
Select the duration and features for your add. You have the option between Premium Listing and Basic Listing.
Click “Continue” when done
Fill in your listing information. What type of property is it? When is it available?
Fill in other information relevant to the listed property. It’s best to be as in-depth as possible
Our AI feature can write an entire description for you. Just write a brief sentence describing the property for lease or sale.
Click generate when done
Here’s the AI-Generated description. You can see it’s much more in-depth than the short description I wrote. It’s still important to double check and ensure all information generated are correct.
Add your contact details such as your name, phone number, email, and website. This will make communication easier for interested viewers of your ad.
Upload images of the property for sale or lease. If you chose the Premium Listing option as I did in this example, you can add 30 images in one ad. If you chose basic, you can only add 3 images.
Click “Complete Ad” when done