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How to Optimize Your Profile

2 min read

Optimizing your profile makes it easier for others to find you and increases your chances of attracting potential collaborators, employers, or clients. An optimized profile can lead to career advancement opportunities, such as job offers or freelance projects, by aligning with what others are seeking.

To optimize your profile, click “Edit”

Choose your Profession. If your profession isn’t on any of the options in the drop-down menu, choose “Other”.

Fill in your First Name, Last Name, and Nickname (Optional)

Choose your Property Type Experience in the drop-down menu below. You can select multiple options by pressing “CTRL” and clicking on an option. Click “Save Changes” when done

Next, click “Particulars”

Write a brief summary about yourself

Add your contact information such as your phone, email, and links to your social media accounts.

You can modify the settings and make it public to everyone on the platform, or viewable only to your connections. If you are looking for opportunities to collaborate or apply to a job, it’s best to make your information public.

Add your location. Click “Save Changes” when done.

Next, Click “Experience”. There is a separate wiki video on adding your experiences.

Add your work/project experience. You can add multiple experiences. This will help people understand what projects or roles you have worked on over the years.

Click “Interested In”. Provide specific details regarding the individuals you wish to connect and network with.

Fill in the types of projects and states you are interested in

Select the other details of the types of projects you are interested in. It’s important to be as specific as possible. Click “Save Changes” when done.

Next, is to upload a professional-looking photo of yourself. Click on “Profile Photo”

Make sure the profile photo you use is clear, professional, and centered when cropped. A nice, professional photo attracts a lot of opportunities.

Next, click “Cover Photo”.

Your cover photo could be a photo of your previous projects, a photo of your team, or your company logo.

Click ‘View Profile’ to review your profile.

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